Recording Area

Flora & Fauna







Recent Sightings of Interest:
28-Mar-2025 ShovelerSpatula clypeata 3 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
28-Mar-2025 TealAnas crecca 60 Sean Mac Gowan north lagoon 
28-Mar-2025 Brent GooseBranta bernicla hrota 252 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
28-Mar-2025 Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa 1,000 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
27-Mar-2025 Common BuzzardButeo buteo 1 Sean Mac Gowan Royal Dublin Golf Course 
27-Mar-2025 TealAnas crecca 45 Sean Mac Gowan north lagoon 
27-Mar-2025 RedshankTringa totanus 15 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
27-Mar-2025 Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica 1,000 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
26-Mar-2025 Mediterranean GullIchthyaetus melanocephalus 1 Ciaran Dunne Bull Wall port side 
26-Mar-2025 Brent GooseBranta bernicla hrota 800 Sean Mac Gowan, Gary De Lacy. north saltmarsh, opposite Kilbarrack Road Junction 
25-Mar-2025 Common GullLarus canus 80 Sean Mac Gowan south mudflats 
25-Mar-2025 Brent GooseBranta bernicla hrota 500 Sean Mac Gowan south saltmarsh 
25-Mar-2025 Brent GooseBranta bernicla hrota 40 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
25-Mar-2025 Hooded CrowCorvus cornix 5 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
25-Mar-2025 Golden PloverPluvialis apricaria 60 Philipp Gerasimov north lagoon 
24-Mar-2025 Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensis 1 John Fox Beach 
24-Mar-2025 SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus 1 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
24-Mar-2025 LinnetLinaria cannabina 4 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
24-Mar-2025 StonechatSaxicola rubicola 1 Sean Mac Gowan north saltmarsh 
22-Mar-2025 Green-winged TealAnas carolinensis 1 Victor Caschera Causeway 
21-Mar-2025 DunnockPrunella modularis 1 Sean Mac Gowan Scrub at Royal Dublin Golf Course 
21-Mar-2025 StonechatSaxicola rubicola 1 Sean Mac Gowan Scrub at Royal Dublin Golf Course 
21-Mar-2025 Reed BuntingEmberiza schoeniclus 2 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end, scrub near boundary of Royal Dublin 
21-Mar-2025 Meadow PipitAnthus pratensis 8 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
21-Mar-2025 SkylarkAlauda arvensis 4 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end, Royal Dublin Golf Course 
21-Mar-2025 Hooded CrowCorvus cornix 17 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
20-Mar-2025 SkylarkAlauda arvensis 4 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end, Royal Dublin Golf Course 
20-Mar-2025 WrenTroglodytes troglodytes 5 Sean Mac Gowan scrub at Interpretive Center, Scrub at Royal Dublin Golf Course, Dunes southern end 
20-Mar-2025 Meadow PipitAnthus pratensis 7 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
20-Mar-2025 Hooded CrowCorvus cornix 8 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
20-Mar-2025 LinnetLinaria cannabina 15 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end, Royal Dublin Golf Course, Scrub at Royal Dublin Golf Course, scrub at Interpretive Center 
19-Mar-2025 Common BuzzardButeo buteo 1 Philipp Gerasimov south saltmarsh 
19-Mar-2025 Hooded CrowCorvus cornix 6 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
19-Mar-2025 Meadow PipitAnthus pratensis 6 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes northern end 
19-Mar-2025 LinnetLinaria cannabina 8 Sean Mac Gowan Scrub at Royal Dublin Golf Course, Dunes southern end 
19-Mar-2025 StonechatSaxicola rubicola 3 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
19-Mar-2025 WrenTroglodytes troglodytes 4 Sean Mac Gowan scrub near boundary of Royal Dublin, scrub on island beside on causeway, Dunes southern end, scrub at Interpretive Center 
18-Mar-2025 WrenTroglodytes troglodytes 1 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
18-Mar-2025 Hooded CrowCorvus cornix 8 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 
18-Mar-2025 Meadow PipitAnthus pratensis 6 Sean Mac Gowan Dunes southern end 

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